Interreg ornament
CrossBorder Road

Project content


The CrossBorder Road project aimes to connect non-continuous roads in the Mittelburgenland Area and Szombathely – Köszeg – Zsira. It affects two street sections:

  • First, the completion of the by-pass road „Therme Lutzmannsburg“ in Austria.
  • Second, the conjunction of the southern part of the road S31-B61a with the hungarian higher-ranking road network near Köszeg (State road Nr. 87).

The main problem are missing or not fully developed cross-border roads, especially between Köszeg and Oberpullendorf and also the missing connection to the TEN-T road network.

Project aim is the rearrangement and finishing of cross-border road network to ensure shorter and safer reachability of the TEN-T road network from Austria as well as from Hungary. The principal object is the rebuilding and extension of two road sections, which contains improvements for both countries as a result of faster and safer routes. It also improves conditions for international road haulage because of better connections to the higher-ranking road network. The project also implements the reduction of traffic which increases the environmental conditions for the sedentary population near the existing roads.

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