Interreg ornament
Low Carb Mobility

Project budget and financing

In total, the project has a budget of € 999.330,00. The project is co-financed with 85% ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and with 15% national contribution. The following national institutions are supporting the project beside the European Commission:


  • Külgazdasagi es Külügyminiszterium
  • Land Burgenland


 BudgetERDFNational contribution
Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland GmbH€ 383.955,75€ 326.362,38€ 57.593,37
GYSEV Zrt€ 241.400,00€ 205.190,00€ 36.210,00
Raaberbahn AG€ 130.000,00€ 110.500,00€ 19.500,00
VOR€ 243.974,25€ 207.378,11€ 36.596,14
Total€ 999.330,00€ 849.430,49€ 149.899,51

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