Interreg ornament
Shop of Region
Interreg ornament

Partner forum in Hegykő


The partner forum of the Shop of Region project took place on 15 July 2021 at the Tornácos House in Hegykő. Christian Fraissler-Simm and DI Franz Kneißl from Regional Development Eastern Styria (Regionalentwicklung Oststeiermark), the lead organisation, spoke about the project idea and the results, ideas from the Austrian side. This was followed by the report from the Hungarian side, Laura Bazsóné Bertalan, external expert and Sándor Borbély, project manager of the Little Hungarian Plain Regional Development Foundation (Kisalföldi Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány) presented the results of the interviews with businesses and organisations and the ideas and challenges on the Hungarian side. In addition to the project partners, the participants also heard about two Hungarian good practices. Szabolcs Szakály from the Alpokalja-Fertő-táj Rural Development Association (Alpokalja-Fertő-táj Vidékfejlesztési Egyesület) and István Kovács from the Pannon Local Product Nonprofit Ltd. (Pannon Helyi Termék Nonprofit Kft.) presented their activities and experiences in the sale of local products. After the presentations, there was an opportunity for brainstorming, participants shared their thoughts on the project and their ideas on what role they could imagine for themselves in the implementation and operation of the shop. Sándor Borbély briefly summarised the next steps of the project. In the end of the event, Károly Hospely talked about the relationship of the Tornácos Restaurant with local products and gave a tasting.

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