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100,000 tonnes of CO2 less by 2030


How the goals of the e-mobility strategy (EMS22) are to be achieved can now also be read in the current issue of "Natur & Umwelt im Pannonischen Raum" ("Nature & Environment in the Pannonian Region").

The current issue of "Nature & Environment in the Pannonian Region" is dedicated to the "Biodiversity Crisis". In order to counteract the effects of the climate crisis on biodiversity, a decarbonization of transport is the need of the hour. With its e-mobility strategy (EMS22), the state of Burgenland has therefore taken a further step towards climate neutrality after the "climate and energy strategy", the "cycling master plan" and the "overall traffic strategy". With the saving of 100,000 tons of CO2 in road traffic in 2030, one of the central objectives of the EMS22 is presented. Both the current issue of "Nature & Environment in the Pannonian Region" and the EMS22 are available for download.

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