Interreg ornament



Modification requests don't need to include the complete details of the modification, only a short description of the modification's content with sufficient justification. After the Application Form is opened, the modification itself needs to be recorded in the eMS. The monitoring system stores previous versions in the project history and the JS can compare the modified version with the previous one. If supporting documents are necessary, they should be usually uploaded to the modified version of the Application Form. Please consult the JS, if/which supporting documents are needed. Although in newer versions of eMS there is an upload possibility in the Modification request itself, please consult the JS before you upload large volume of documents there.

Please note that the modifications have an impact only on the reports that are opened after the approval of the modification. All reports are linked to the version of the application that was valid when they were opened. If you open a report, eMS shows a warning if it is linked to a previous version of the application.

Projects that are under modification are opened in their currently valid version, with a warning text on the top of the page, that points to the saved change version, accessible for users with appropriate privileges.

Reference to the Manuals

Implementation Manual 4.3

If the financial implementation deviates from the plan on the level reporting periods, no modification is needed in the Application Form, but please report the delay including the challenges and possible solutions in the partner and/or project report.

Reference to the Manuals

Implementation Manual 4.6.1


The modification procedure is simple. If there is sufficient justification for the change and content of the project is basically not changed, only a reallocation between budget lines is needed, make a modification request (or if you're not the LP ask your Lead Partner to do it on your behalf) with the short description and justification of the modification. The Application Form will be opened by the JS where the LP can make the necessary changes. After the modification is saved and submitted, the JS will check it, and when it is approved, the FLC will see the actual version of the application form.

If reallocations between budget lines reach a cumulative value of 10% of the total project budget, the JS will ask the approval of the Managing Authority to the modification. When the cumulative modifications reach 20% of the total project budget, the JS will ask the Monitoring Committee for its approval. After the MC's approval, the counting will be set back to 0%.

Reference to the Manuals

Implementation Manual 4.5.2


If the actual expenditure for certain budget items is less than planned and higher for others, but no reallocation between budget lines is needed, you don't need to request a modification. Similarly, if there is some change in the specification of a service or an equipment, as long as it is still in line with the approved main content of the project, and contributes to the achievement of the project specific objectives and main outputs, no modification needs to be requested. Normally the FLCs should have the capacity and right to decide whether or not such a change is in line with the targets of the project, and if it is, related expenditure can be validated.

Reference to the Manuals

Implementation Manual 4.2


If a staff member finishes working for the project, the end date of his/her employment (for the project) has to be recorded on the Staff Cost Data Sheet. Add the new staff member on the Staff Cost Data Sheet (previous rows must not be deleted). Consult the RC/FLC about the applicable staff cost reporting scheme/method. You don't necessarily have to make changes to the partner budget in eMS.

Reference to the Manuals

Implementation Manual 4.5.3

It is highly recommended that the chosen scheme for the settlement of costs related to the individual employees is kept for the whole project implementation. Justified changes are, however, possible in the following cases:

  • between full time employment and part time employment with a fixed percentage
  • different percentage within the scheme part time employment with fixed percentage
  • replacement of an employee

It is not allowed to change between part time with fix percentage and part time with a flexible number of hours.

Reference to the Manuals

Eligibility Manual

The chosen scheme or method for the settlement of staff costs is related to the individual employees. It is in general not a problem if the staff costs related to a new staff member are reported according to another scheme/method. Please record the data of the new employee on the Staff Cost Data Sheet. You don't necessarily have to make changes to the partner budget in eMS.

Reference to the Manuals

Eligibility Manual

Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4

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