Interreg ornament
Weinidylle AT-HU

Project budget and financing

In total, the project has a budget of € 983.978,41. The project is co-financed with 85% ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and with 15% own resources. The hungarian project partners receive autoamticly national contribution:


 ERDFown resources
National contribution
Naturpark in der Weinidylle  € 504.460,55€ 89.022,45  € 0
Hegypásztor Kör  € 207.394,95€ 12.199,71  € 24.399,40
Vasi Hegyhát Rábamente Turisztikai Egyesület  € 124.526,13€ 7.325,08  € 14.650,13
Total  € 836.381,63 € 108.547,24  € 39.049,53

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