Interreg ornament
Weinidylle AT-HU

Project content

Projekt Area

The programme area extends over the area of the Austrian-Hungarian border and comprises  Kohfidisch, Bildein, Deutsch Schützen-Eisenberg, Eberau, Bildein, Moschendorf, Strem, Güssig, Heiligenbrunn, Oszkò, Körmend, Vasi Hegyhàt.
The border region Burgenland/West-Hungary has a versatile natural and cultural heritage. A specific feature of the project region are the various "Kellerstöckl" (wine cellars), which are often idyllically located in the hilly landscape. In Austria in the communities of the "Weinidylle" and on Hungarian side in eg. Vasi Hegyhát there are more than 1 000 of these buildings, but hardly any of them are nowadays used for their actual profession

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