Project events
Roadshow of Women-Puls project is arrived on last destination on 7th of September, 2022 in Stoob in Burgenland.

The Roadshow of WomEn-Puls will arrive in Graz on 24th of June, 2022

Location 8: Zalaszentgrót

The Roadshow of WomEn-Puls will arrive in Győr on 7th of June, 2022

Roadshow in Keszthely

Roadshow Letenyén
Location 4: Celldömölk

Roadshow in Nagykanizsa

On 7 April 2022, the Roadshow will continue in Lenti

Roadshow in Zalaegerszeg

The last meeting of the member organizations took place in Burgenland
On February 25, 2022, the 3rd member organization meeting was held in Stoob, the main topic of which was the planned content of a common strategy and policy recommendation. During the meeting, plenty of additional proposals were made, which were forwarded by DAFF staff to the organization coordinating the preparation of the documents. About 11 people attended the meeting.
Further training took place in Burgenland. The topic was this time the compatibility of work and private life
The joint methodology, which was further developed last year, was followed by work-life balance training on February 21, 2022, which was carried out online with the participation of around 18 women in public service and in managerial positions. The program included several modular units. They analysed the basics of telework and home office, checked and tested some modern communication tools / applications (SpeechLive, Team, HangOut, Slack, Team Viewer). In addition to general communication tools, the participants also got to know special applications, such as business apps for telework organization and management tasks: Business Calendar, TimR, Trello.
An awareness-raising workshop was held in Burgenland
On December 16, 2021, an awareness workshop with ca. 20 participants took place in Stoob. The main theme of the event was the work-life balance. After clarifying the theoretical basics on the topic of the workshop, the participants were able to acquire new knowledge through group and individual tasks. The motto of the tasks was "Finding Balance".
Implementation of the joint training program in Styria Results
Gender competence for managers, decision-makers and employees
14 online workshops were held, total number of participations – 124, 101 participants (m/f).
Training program for women workers
The following modules were offered:
- Social skills
- e-learning
- Personal skills
- Leadership skills
The workshops were rated very good or good by almost all participants. All participants
Participating organizations total: 21
Participating private companies total: 17
Second Information Workshop organised by the Self-Government Office of Vas County
At the event entitled Women's Advancement in Traditionally Non-Female Professions and Positions, dr. Péter Palotai hold the welcome speech, highlighting the advancement of women in the above-mentioned areas with several examples. During the workshop, we received information from Zsuzsanna Kovácsné Kocsi about the survey within the framework of the project. Dr. Árpád Bak, the coordinator of the ELTE IK Szombathely Dual Mechanical Engineering Training, presented the engineering training of women. Furthermore, Roland Dancsecs presented the results of the “femcoop PLUS” project, also implemented in the Austro-Hungarian partnership. We could hear from Olivia Mesics, - the factory manager of Opel Szentgotthárd Ltd., - about the benefits and difficulties related to the employment of female employees in the technical field. The results on the historical and social development of the relationship between gender and employment were presented in a playful way by the organizers.
The event closed with a roundtable discussion, during which the issues of female characteristics, female roles and femininity came to the fore.
The “Girls’ Day ”program was also mentioned at the workshop, the event will be organized by the Women in Science Association on the 21st of October 2021, and it will be the 10th time in this year. The aim is to provide career choice inspiration for girls interested in science, technology and engineering professions.
More information about the event:
The WomEn-Puls awareness workshops were successfully organised by DAFF
May 2021 - July 2021
The WomEn-Puls awareness workshops were organised successfully on 10th of May 2021 on 2nd of June 2021 and on 29th of June 2021.
Numerous interested parties took part, a total of 45 participants were registered. The following points were discussed in the online training courses: Difference between equal treatment and equality; what does gender mean and what is the difference between gender and biological sex; what do we mean by the terms diversity and intercultural competence; why is it important to differentiate between private life concepts and professional equality orientation; what does gender equality-oriented personnel development look like; What could a non-discriminatory workplace look like - are there good practices for gender mainstreaming in the workplace?
Intervention concept and approach of gender mainstreaming; Diversity approach in the context of gender mainstreaming; social-political and economic consequences of discrimination on the labor market and information on the legal framework of the topic (discrimination and equal opportunities, equal treatment law).
The topics were prepared interactively with the help of various online tools (zoom chat, padlet, quiz).
A detailed summary of the discussed content was then made available to the participants.
Training program for female employees in Graz
May 2021 - July 2021
The training program provides an opportunity for women to widen their knowledge, increase their skills, and discover their potentials. It also contributes to their integration into their workplace or working environment.
The workshops are practice-oriented, they help to shape attitudes and enable to identify professional goals.
From May 2021 to July 2021, 12 workshops were organized in Styria in following moduls:
- Social Skills
- E-learning
- Personal Skills
- Leadership Skills
There was a total of 126 participants in the workshops.
Organization of the first awareness-raising workshop in Zala
Am 10. Juni hat der Führende Partner den ersten Sensibilisierungs-Infoworkshop in Zalaegerszeg organisiert. Im Mittelpunkt der Veranstaltung standen die Situation von Frauen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und die Chancengleichheit. Herr Imre Pácsonyi - Vizepräsident der Versammlung des Komitats Zala - hielt die Begrüßungsrede, dann präsentierte Frau Judit Vinhoffer einige allgemeine Informationen über das Women_Puls-Projekt. Danach hielt Herr Béla Zimborás - Direktor der Bezirksabteilung Zala der Generaldirektion für Soziales und Kinderschutz - eine Präsentation über die Rollen und Veränderungen von Frauen im öffentlichen Sektor - wie zum Beispiel in der Sozialfürsorge. Frau Zsuzsanna Fehér – Business Coach – sprach im Rahmen der Titelpräsentation „Begrabene Emotionen“ über Frauenkompetenzen, Frauenrollen und gesellschaftliche Erwartungen.
Im zweiten Teil des Workshops teilten erfolgreiche Frauen aus dem Komitat Zala ihre Erfahrungen mit der Work-Life-Balance.
The first awareness-raising information workshop in Vas county was successful
26 May 2021
On the 26th of May 2021, the first awareness-raising information workshop was organized by the Women's Advocacy Association in Vas county within the frame of the Women-Puls project.
The online event started with the greetings of Dr. Péter Balázsy, Notary of Vas County. In his speech, he emphasized that the Self-Government Office of Vas County is also an institution that regards equal opportunities for both female and male employees as a very important topic. During the workshop, the 35 participants could hear interesting presentations about the topic, and a couple of best-practices were also introduced. They were followed by an exciting roundtable discussion with guests coming from public and private sectors.
Workshop to establish the strategic network
March 2021
The aim of this meeting was to discuss the aims and advantages of the bilateral institutional network to be established as part of the WomEn-Puls project.
13 persons from the following organizations took part in the network meeting:
13 persons from the following organizations took part in the network meeting:
- Graz University of Technology - Technology House
- Holding Graz
- City of Graz
- Styrian labor market service
- Trade Union of private workers
- Austrian Social Democratic Party
- Federal government of Styria
- Green Styria
- Compuritas / Social Business Club Styria
The career advancement model for women in the AMS Styria was presented as a best practice.
Results and recommendations
In the meeting, those topics that currently are important for experts and multipliers were collected.
- Effects of Covid on equality between women and men
- Role assignments and responsibilities in the crisis
- Home office / teleworking
- Equality-oriented access to further training opportunities
In the following, possible goals and advantages of the bilateral institutional network were discussed, here are some statements as an example:
- Empowerment on many levels
- Economy is more! Make visible: What were / are the economic role and economic performance of women in the corona crisis?
- Joint strategy development in order to get those who have the power to act - use the network to plan joint action - e.g. agree on a message that is specifically disseminated to the public - via various channels
- Best practice transfer ...
- Public relations - strong references to the mentioned topics
- Awareness-raising - home office needs a corresponding mindset on the part of employees and managers
- Continuation of what has developed from the crisis with appropriate offers and structures
First online strategy workshop in Vas county
Vas County Government organized its 1st strategy workshop on the 29th of March, 2021 at an online platform.
Dr. Péter Balázsy – county notary – held the welcome speech. Réka Sáfrány - President of the Hungarian Women's Advocacy Association – summarized the results of the fact-finding report, then Borbála Juhász – employee of the Hungarian Women 's Advocacy Association – managed to create a short, but more interesting quiz for participants, furthermore, international best practices were presented on the improvement of equal opportunities for women.
During the workshop, the effects of the pandemic were highlighted, primarily on the role of women and men in the family. In the end of the event,
the host organization presented the statement of intent to join the strategic network.
Gender competence for executives, Decision-makers and employees
November 2020 - March 2021
Since November 2020, 14 online workshops have been held in Styria as activities in WomEn-Puls:
- 7 gender competence workshops for employee
- 2 gender competence workshops for managers
- 3 gender competence workshops for decision makers
- 2 workshops to develop policy briefings
A total of 124, around twice as many people as planned, took part in the workshops, and the interest was enormous.
Joint workshops by the associated partners, the Province of Styria and Haus Graz, were very well received, and the participants rated the cooperation and the exchange as very positive. A total of 57 people from the Province of Styria and 40 people from the House of Graz took part in the gender competence workshops.
All of the presented content was well received and rated. There was an open and active atmosphere. Almost all participants would recommend the workshop to colleagues.
23 of the participants also took part in follow-up workshops on the subject of policy briefing.
Starting points and perspectives for the development of an equal working environment that were developed in the workshops:
The participants drew the following picture of an ideal "equal" organization:
- Only an organization of equal status is successful
- Equal organizations are attractive as employers
- There is an awareness of equality at management level
- "Half / half" is regulated by law
- Management positions are assigned according to the proportion of employees
- Equal distribution between men and women at all levels and in all subject areas in public administration
- Quality of work is quality of life - ensure comprehensive, intensified activities in all departments through quality management
- Absolute working time flexibility for all state employees (flexibility from the point of view of the employees)
- Full-time for everyone is supported - livelihood security
- full time = 32 h
- Gender does not play a role in application processes
It would be ideal if equality is no longer an issue because it has been achieved!
Sensitization workshop for decision-makers from Burgenland
On February 17th, 2021, the DAFF organized an online sensitization workshop for the Burgenland decision-makers. The participants had a detailed discussion about the focal points of the common WomEn-Puls strategy and the contents of the Policy Recommendation paper. Numerous contributions were collected that can later be incorporated into the strategic documents. A total of 32 participants were present at the workshop.
Sensitization workshops by DAFF
15.06.2020; 25.06.2020
Sensitization workshops on equality between women and men were held twice on an online platform, where 37 participants took part. Following the summarization of the project, the results were presented, in particular the results of the data collection used in the project. After the discussion of the conclusions, the toolkit was described. The participants were satisfied and interested in the training modules. During the second part of workshop, they focused on “gender mainstreaming”, then the participants could test their knowledge with a quiz. In the end of the workshop, they shared their personal experience about the topic, and the questions were also answered.
Sensitization workshops in Styria
April – June 2020
Between April and June 2020 NOWA organized four online sensitization workshops in Styria, where 42 people took part. Firstly, they focused on the regional situation of participants in Styria, and the approach depended on the target groups. Moreover, it was important to inform the participants what gender equality means, to present the situation of women in terms of career advancement, and to introduce the regional, national and transnational position of women in the labor market in the public and private sectors.
Four different target groups were selected:
- 17 April 2020: women - employees and project managers from the public and private sectors - 17 participant
- 14 May 2020: cooperation partners, men and women from the public sector – 9 participant
- 28 May 2020: women from the forestry sector (employees, managers, owners) - private and public – 7 participant
- 24 June 2020: HR managers, men and women from the private and public sectors – 9 participants
1st projekt workshop
Self-Government Office of Vas County– as a project partner – held a workshop in Szombathely about the preparation of a questionnaire survey. The experiences of the event, in which participated the project partners, strategic partners and the external professional organizations from the Hungarian side, will be built in the questionnaires and they will help also the elaboration of the Methodology Handbook.
Kick-off event
The invitation of the kick-off event is available as download.