Interreg ornament

Innowood- Innovation milestone in the wood industry

Effix-Marketing Ltd., the Wood  Cluster Styria Ltd. , the IITR institute for innovation and trend research from Graz and the University of Applied Sciences Burgenlandexplored innovation opportunities in the wood industry in the framework of Innowood.The partnership recognized that the branch did not improve at the same pace as other fast-adapting industries such as the automotive industry. However, the joint implementation, and the cross-border approach made it possible to implement fresh and unique ideas.

Innovation comes from inside

The partnership had a specific vision regarding revitalization of the timber industry. Bringing practicality and feasability in the forefront, they gave room for thinking out of the box and novel ideas. What was their approach? Needs, problems, types of tasks were formulated, but they kept themselves openminded for possible solutions. Therefore, they not only shaped the univesity students’ critical mind but also involved mentors, producers, jury members and teachers into a new discourse.

So could they guarantee that youthful drive, fresh ideas but also usability can lead to joint success.


Furnitures and timber work of the future

Two Innovation camps have been organized in the framework of the project during which more than 140 youngsters could show off their talent, and could cooperate with professors, wood industry representatives, IT experts and businessmen and thus get a panoramic view on all phases of  product development.

According to the decision of the professional jury eight designed furniture prototypes will be produced out of all concepts, and four posters of timber work designed architectural concepts will be produced. The spectrum of ideas is wide, because you can find among awarded concepts a foldable, compact chair, or a multifunctional fitness equipment, even a nature-inspired outdoor installation, while among timber works we can find a flip-out container-like house, a bridge-like holiday home or wooden modular living spaces but also a covered pier suitable for anglers.

The creations have been shown in many prestigious events among others during the innoLignum Forestry and Timber Fair in Sopron, the Construma International Building Trade Exibition in Budapest and in the Holz & Bau Messe in Klagenfurt.


For more infomation about the project achievements please visit the project’s microsite:


Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4

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